A lovely reply arrived this week from Monaco. I had written to Princess Stephanie for Christmas. This is the first reply I have received for Christmas 2022.
The front of the envelope is the usual. The reply was sent to my old address, and then got forwarded. Monaco is one of the monarchies that stores people's addresses and other personal information in a database. Often when sending replies, they will juse pull the address from their database using your name. I've moved a few times since I begain writing to the royals, and Monaco is the monarchy, most often to accidently send your mail to your old address.
The postmark says "Joyeuses Fetes" (Happy Holidays) and was used the week of Christmas 2022.
The stamps features Prince Albert I during his expedition to Spitsbergen, Norway. The stamp says "Topographie au Spitzberg Moller Bay, 1907" (Topography at Spitsbergen Moller Bay, 1907). The stamp was released in June 2022, to mark the 200 years since the death of Prince Albert I of Monaco, the "Explorer Prince." Prince Albert I was the great-great-grandfather of monaco's current monarch, Prince Albert II.
The front of the cards features a candle design along with the words "Une Lumiére pour Noël" (A light for Christmas).
Inside is the usual message from Princess Stephanie along with a printed on signature, which is the same one she has used for past years. The message says "Best Wishes for a Happy New Year" in both French and English. And is signed "Stéphanie de Monaco".
The back of the card features the logo for Croix-Rouge Monégasque (Monaco Red Cross) & Fight Aids Monaco. The Christmas Card is one of two cards released by the
Monaco Red Cross & Fight Aids Monaco for 2022 as part of their annual "A Light for Christmas" project. The project raised funds to support poor and isolated people during the end-of-year holidays.
Princess Stephanie has been president of Fight Aids Monaco since 2004. (Prince Albert is President of the Monaco Red Cross, along with Princess Charlene who serves as Vice President.)
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