I received a lovely Christmas reply from Sarah back in January. And I wasn't expecting anything more. So, this was a nice surprise.
The card and envelopes are the same, but modified, as Princess Beatrice's Engagement reply from Prince Andrew's office. For events like this, Prince Andrew's office gives the extra cards (& envelopes) to Sarah so that she can then send out to well-wishers.
The front of the envelope will look a little different than the usual from the British Royals. There is no EIIR, but from the postmark, we can tell this was processed through the Court Post Office at Windsor Castle. And the PPI Number, W4047 tells us that this was changed to the Royal's Postal account which is paid for by the Sovereign Grant.
The back of the envelope features Princess Beatrice's monogram engraved in gold.
Inside is a flat card. The front of the card features a photo of Princess Beatrice & Edoardo taken by Princess Eugenie. This photo was released to mark the couple's engagement in September.
The back of the card feature Sarah's monogram. Sarah does have a usual S with a crown monogram that she has used in the past. The monogram on the card was developed a few years ago as sort of a logo for a brand of tea that Sarah was promoting. The date and signature are printed on.
The card says:
Thank you so much for your congratulations and kind wishes. We are so proud to be sharing this sensational and happy news.
We are so delighted to welcome Edo into our family. Beatrice and Edo are so excited and thrilled to be embarking on their new life together. They are looking forward to a life filled with love and happiness. We are overjoyed that they have found one another.
Thank you so much for your kindness and support over the years.
2020 Sarah.
This card is actually the same one sent out by Prince Andrew's office for Princess Beatrice's engagement. Sarah's staff just glued her message over Beatrice & Edo's thank you. If you hold the card up to the light you can see Beatrice's Monogram and the printed on message. You can see the full original card here.
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