Monday, July 20, 2020

Condolence reply for Elizabeth-Ann de Massy

A lovely reply arrived today from Monaco. I had written to Prince Albert to send him and his family my deepest condolences on the passing of his cousin Elizabeth de Massy last month.  

The envelope is the usual from the Monaco Royals. Although this features no monogram. The postmark says, in French, "Women’s Rights Committee, the Prince’s Government, Promotion and Protection." The Monaco Post Service has lovely postmarks. They usually rotate every week between a special postmark for an event and their standard postmarks. This postmark would have been stamped on all the mail sent in Monaco at that time.  

As I said previously, I moved in March. I had written my letter of condolence using my new address. But what is interesting is this was sent to my old address. The Monaco Royals store addresses of people who write in a database. (Other monarchies do this as well.) And so, when replying had pulled my old address off their database. 

This isn't surprising since the same thing happened last time I moved. Some monarchies note the address change right away, others take a while. My strategy has just been to include in green "New Address" on my envelope. 

Inside is a flat card, with a printed message. The card features a black border for mourning. 

The card translates to:

TSH The Prince and Princess of Monaco
and their children
Mr. Jean-Léonard Taubert de Massey and his son
Miss Mélanie-Antoinette de Massy de Lusignan
Baron Christian de Massy
Mrs. Leticia de Massy and her children
Mr. Brice Gelable de Massy
Mr and Mrs. Sébastien Knecht de Massy and their children
HRH The Princess of Hanover, her children and grandchildren 
HSH Princess Stéphanie of Monaco and her children
The Noghes family and the Polignac family

Deeply touched by the kind attention that you showed them following the passing of

Mrs Elizabeth-Ann de Massy

They express their feelings of deep gratitude

The people listed on the card are Elizabeth's family. Prince Albert, Princess Charlene and their children are listed first, and then the rest are listed based on their relationship to Elizabeth. 

Mr. Jean-Léonard Taubert de Massey
Miss Mélanie-Antoinette de Massy de Lusignan

Baron Christian de Massy

Nieces & Nephews:
Mrs. Leticia de Massy 
Mr. Brice Gelable de Massy
Mr. Sébastien Knecht de Massy 

Prince Albert, Princess Charlene, Princess Stephanie, Princess Caroline

Extended Family: 
Noghès Family
Polignac Family

This reply came fairly quickly, just over a month since I wrote. 

Each monarchy is making their own decisions about how to handle mail during the pandemic. But in general, things have been slower than usual. This is my first reply in over a month. 

I would be prepared for long response times. 

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