Thursday, October 1, 2020

Prince Charles of Luxembourg - Birth Reply (2020)

A lovely reply arrived this week from Luxembourg. I had written to Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie to congratulate them on the birth of their son, Prince Charles. 

The front of the envelope is the usual. The bottom left says "Service of the Grand Duke" in French. 

The back of the envelope features the Grand-Ducal Crown in blue. 

Inside is a card from the couple. The front of the card features the Greater Coat of Arms of Prince Guillaume. I think it is especially lovely that they used a version that is hand drawn/painted. You till notice that the supporters on the Coat of Arms are both lions and on the shield are 4 more lions.

The inside of the card features a lovely photo of Prince Charles. This photo was part of the set of photos released a few days after the Prince's birth. The photos were taken by CĂ©line Maia at the Grand Duchess Charlotte Maternity Hospital before the little prince was taken home. 

The other side of the card features a lovely drawing/painting of a baby lion, with a bow in the colors of the Luxembourg flag. The drawing features a lion as it on the different Luxembourg Royal Coat of Arms. You till also notice the wreath of flowers is shaped in a "c" for Charles. 

The message is in French, one of Luxembourg's official language. The signatures are printed on. 

The message says, 
We sincerely thank you for your kind attention on the occasion of the birth of our son, Prince Charles.
Guillaume        Stephanie

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