Wednesday, February 24, 2021

King Albert & Queen Paola of Belgium - Christmas Reply (2020)

A lovely reply arrived earlier this month from Belgium. I had written to King Albert & Queen Paola in December for Christmas. 

The Belgium royals have a variety of envelopes that they use. This is one of the more common ones for King Albert & Queen Paola. 

Inside is a flat card with the name of their home, Belevédère Castle, at the top. The message is in french, one of Belgium's official languages. This year's reply is a little different than my past Christmas replies from the couple. This year's has an actual message from the couple, instead of just their best wishes from the new year. And, it is also the first time I've gotten a Christmas reply from Albert & Paola that did not include a photo. 

The message reads: 

Their Majesties King Albert II and Queen Paola were extremely touched by the kind wishes you sent them on the occasion of the holiday season and thank you wholeheartedly. May 2021 bring you joy, serenity, and happy moments to share. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Back to Replies - Main Page 


  1. That is interesting! Do you suppose it has anything to do with Covid that made them change the format this year?

    1. Maybe. It might also be a cost thing. The smaller card with no photo is undoubtedly cheaper. But we have also seen a lot of variation in all the replies from the couple over the years. They don't have the most consistent format.
