A lovely reply arrived this week from Prince Charles. I had written to him in November for his birthday. This is the latest I have ever received a reply for Prince Charles's birthday. But not too unexpected as the pandemic is making everything slower.
The front of the envelope is the usual, with the postmark from the Court Post Office at Buckingham Palace.
The back of the envelope features the Prince of Wales feathers.
Normally, Clarence House sends out photocards as their standard birthday reply, with some people getting a letter when they feel a more personal reply is warranted. But this year, for Charles's birthday, all I have seen so far are letters. I haven't seen anyone get a photocard. My guess is there was some printing problem with the photocard for his Birthday. We have seen situations in the past where the first batch of replies were all letters, and the later replies were photocards, as there had been a delay in printing. So, it is possible that some people will get photocards, even if they haven't sent any out yet.
The letter is written by Claudia Spens, who is head of the Correspondence Section at Clarence House.
Dear Miss Daly,
The Prince of Wales has asked me to thank you for your letter of 14th November, which was received at this office on 18th December.
His Royal Highness is most grateful to you for taking the trouble to write as you did and he thanks you for your kind well wishes for himself and his family. The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall were touched by the warm welcome they received during their poignant visit to Germany to commemorate the National Day of Morning.
His Royal Highness greatly appreciated your thoughtful message, which you sent on the occasion of his 72nd birthday. The Prince of Wales has asked me to send you his warmest thanks and very best wishes.
Yours sincerely,
Claudia Spens
I am very impressed to see very kind replies from Prince Charles to birthday wisher. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I have had an opportunity to reaffirm assets in my life. "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye" Le Petit Prince