The reply is actually in response to two letters that I wrote. One to Prince Harry which I wrote on November 26th wishing him a very Merry Christmas and New Years. And then a letter I wrote the next day, when Surprise!!!, Prince Harry & Meghan Markle announced their engagement.
The reply came in 3 parts: a letter and two photo cards.
The letter is from Claudia Spens, thanking me for my two letters. Claudia Spens is Head of the Correspondence Section at Clarence House. I think it is really cool that despite the thousands of letters Clarence House has received over the last few months for Harry's Engagement, Christmas, Charles and Kate's Birthday, etc. that they were able to figure out I wrote two letters to Harry and sent one lovely reply for both. This is the first time I've received 1 reply for 2 letters.
The letter says:
"Dear Miss Daly,
Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle have asked me to thank you for your letter of 26th November and 27th November, and for your very kind message sent at Christmas and very thoughtful message of congratulations. I sincerely apologise for the extensive delay in replying to your letters. We have been overwhelmed by the thousands of letters and cards received recently.
His Royal Highness and Ms. Markle are most grateful to you for taking the trouble to write as you did and much appreciated your kind words of support.
It is a very happy time for Prince Harry and Ms. Markle, and indeed for us all, and your message of congratulations was much appreciated.
His Royal Highness and Ms. Markle have asked me to send you the enclosed special cards along with their warmest thanks and very best wishes for the New Year.
Yours Sincerely,
Claudia Spens"
I think it is So Cute! that Claudia said in the letter that it's a happy time for Harry & Meghan "and indeed for us all." I'm sure the Royal Staff are just as excited about the engagement as we all are. It reminds me of when in a reply from the Queen, one of her Ladies-in-Waiting wrote, "the arrival of Princess Charlotte of Cambridge has given much pleasure to the whole Royal Family."
The first photo card is for Christmas. The front of the card features the couple in Nottingham, on their first official engagement together a few days after the announcement.
The message is slightly different from past years, and obvious Meghan has been added to the message. It's exciting that from now on we will be writing to the couple for Christmas, not just Harry. And hopefully, over the next few years, we will be seeing some more additions to the family.
The message reads:
"Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful Christmas message.
His Royal Highness and Ms. Markle send you their warmest thanks and with very best wishes for a Happy New Year."
This Christmas Reply is extra special as it will be the only one that says "Prince Harry & Ms. Meghan Markle," as future Christmas replies will use their new title.
The 2nd card is for the couple's engagement. The front features the couple during their engagement photocall in the garden at Kensington Palace.
The back features a lovely message from the couple.
The message reads:
"Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle were incredibly touched that you took the trouble to write as you did in connection with their forthcoming Wedding.
It really was most thoughtful of you and greatly appreciated. His Royal Highness and Ms. Markle send you their warmest thanks and very best wishes."The envelope is the usual from the British Royals, but it was a little extra thick this time. This was the first time I've gotten a letter and two cards in a reply.
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