Saturday, January 19, 2019

Evolution of Crown Prince Couple of Denmark's Card

The Crown Prince Couple of Denmark send out pretty much identical replies each year. But there have been some slight changes in their cards over the last few years.  (This is all based on since I started writing to them in 2014.)

Version 1: ?- 2017/2018

This version of the card was the first I received from the Crown Prince Couple. I wrote to them for the 1st time for Christmas 2014. It seems like they made the switch to Version 2 for Christmas 2017. But as their cards are un-dated, they don't print new cards every year, rather use the same cards multiple years for the same event. So, we saw them continue to use Version 1 in 2018. 

The notable features of this card are
  • Detailed version of the Crown 
  • Formal message 
  • Address for Christain VIII Palace at Amalienborg (on bottom)
  • Normal edges
Version 2: 2018 -?

I first got this version of the card for Christmas 2017 & other events in 2018. We will have to see if they continue using this in 2019.

The notable changes for Version 1:
  • Less detailed, bolder version of the Crown 
  • More personal message 
  • Address for Frederik VIII Palace at Amalienborg (on bottom)
  • Slightly heavier paper
  • Textured edges
  • Slightly wider by 1/2 cm
The change I found most striking is the address at the bottom. It has been changed from Christain VIII Palace at Amalienborg to Frederik VIII Palace at Amalienborg.

Amalienborg is a complex of 4 different Palaces, arranged in a square with an octagonal courtyard in the middle. The 4 Palaces that makeup Amelienbourg are: 
  • Christian VII Palace
  • Christian VIII Palace
  • Frederick VIII Palace
  • Christian IX Palace
I don't know exactly why we are seeing the change of address now. The Crown Prince Couple have lived at Frederick VIII Palace and had their office there since 2010. They lived at Christian VII Palace during the earlier years of their marriage, while Frederik VIII was being renovated. 

Version 3: 2019 -Present

I first got this version for Christmas 2018

This card is identical to version 2, except they have changed back to the paper without the textured edges. 

The two crowns
The two versions depict the same crown, that is used in the couple's monograms and coat of arms.  One of more detailed, the other is bolder.

Both versions of the crown have been used by the couple since their wedding. 

Note: mail to the couple and the other members of the Denmark Royal Family should not be sent to the address listed on their card, rather their PO Box.

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