Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Replies from Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg (2016-2019)

All of my replies (2016-2019) from Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg. Grand Duke Jean passed away on April 23rd, 2019.

Condolence Reply for Jean's Passing


  1. Did you write for Grand Duke Jean's passing to Grand Duke Henri? I've seen replies from the Hereditary Grand Duke and Belgium over his passing but nothing yet from Grand Duke Henri, unless I've missed it?

    1. I did write to Grand Duke Henri for Grand Duke Jean's passing. I haven't gotten a reply yet, or seen anyone get one from him, which is strange.

      They are usually pretty good about replying and I did get a card for Princess Alix's passing earlier this year. Part of me thought, originally, the delay was because they were in a period of mourning, but that ended a month ago.
