Friday, February 1, 2019

Writing to the Royals Q&A - February (2019)

As always post your questions about Writing to the Royal, and we will get to them as soon as possible. If you have questions about the royals in general check out our main site.

Question 1a: Which photo will be sent in thank you cards for Christmas wishes by TRH The Duke and Duchess of Sussex?

Answer: They are using the photo of Harry & Meghan during their Australia tour, when Harry is giving a speech and Meghan is holding the umbrella for him. 

Question 1b: Isn't this picture sent as a thank-you for gratitude to HRH The Duchess of Sussex for her pregnancy?

Answer: Yes, there are using the same photo for both the Christmas Reply and Meghan's pregnancy reply. It's very common for Clarence House to reuse photos for multiple events. I know both Charlotte & Louie's pregnancy replies featured repeat photos as well. 

Question 2a: What do you think about new royal reply (cards) from Clarence House?

Answer: I don't really like it, the reply isn't as nice as it once was. It was a cost-cutting measure. They switched to a cheaper, thinner cardstock and got rid of the glossy front. I do like how they added the Prince of Wales feathers and Kensington Palace black crown to the back, but I feel like that was really just to distract us from the switch to cheaper paper.

I have a post on our blog about the evolution of Charles & Camilla's photo reply, you can find it here.  

Question 2b: Do you think it will be permanent? 

Answer: Yes, to some degree. This wasn't a one-time thing. Clarence House has made a change. This is how replies are going to look in the future. But we might see some little changes over time, especially when The Cambridge/Sussex office finally splits. We might see a change with their replies, as they may not go by Kensington Palace anymore. 


  1. which photo will be sent in thankscard for Christmas wishes by THR The Duke and Duchess of Sussex ?

  2. Isn't this picture sent as a thank-you for gratitude to HRH The Duchess of Sussex for her pregnancy ?


  3. What do you think about new royal reply (cards) from British Royal Family ?

  4. To Answer 3 : Do you think it will be permanent?
